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put upon

a. impose on, take advantage of, used, take for granted, or appreciate. alt. impose on, take advantage of, used, take for granted, or appreciate.

Usage examples of "put upon".

The awkward Jao bodyguard, Tamt, was haunting the edges of the little group with an air of being very much put upon, and they'd apparently acquired yet another new member for Aille's personal service, a Jao built like a fireplug.

Dojango sighed one of those sighs I recalled meant he felt immensely put upon, hitched up his pants, and started running down the drive.

After this no restriction was put upon any one who desired to go outside and take the oath.

I fully realized what construction would be put upon my presence there, and foresaw that forcible and ignominious ejection must be my lot if I failed to establish my right to address her.

I do not know, and I thank heaven that no such trial was put upon my constancy.

Perhaps he was surprised at the success that he had achieved, possibly a little alarmed at the construction that had been put upon the criticism of his Persians.

We were taken to Phundahl where we were put upon the auction block and I fell to the bid of one of Ras Thavas' agents.

The king, incensed at the trick put upon him by these seemingly virtuous people, was at first for confining both husband and wife in prison, but this measure I opposed with all my power.